Apple Valley, CA
Business Directory

Located in the high desert region of Southern California, Apple Valley is a suburban town famous for its peaceful ambiance and stunning natural beauty. With its desert landscapes, clear blue skies, and panoramic views of the San Bernardino Mountains, this city offers a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy a plethora of activities, including hiking, camping, and off-roading in nearby Mojave Desert and Joshua Tree National Park. Apple Valley is also home to a diverse range of local businesses, including restaurants, shops, and services, catering to the needs of its residents and visitors alike. Whether you are looking for a cozy cafe to grab a cup of coffee or a boutique to find unique gifts, Apple Valley offers a charming array of options to explore.Show More

Map of Apple Valley, CAMap of Apple Valley, CA

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Coffee ShopsCoffee Shops

Golf CoursesGolf Courses

Grocery StoresGrocery Stores

Cheapest GasCheapest Gas

  • Valero
    16801 Dale Evans PkwyApple Valley, CA 92307
  • Chevron
    19180 Bear Valley RdApple Valley, CA 92308
  • 76
    20920 Bear Valley RdApple Valley, CA 92308
