Bar Mills, ME
Business Directory

Located in southeastern Maine, Bar Mills is a humble town with a small-town charm. Nestled amidst picturesque landscapes and surrounded by lush forests, it offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Although Bar Mills may not offer an array of tourist attractions, its local businesses are the heart of the community. From family-owned restaurants serving delicious comfort food to quaint shops selling unique handmade crafts, the local businesses in Bar Mills provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Visitors can support the local economy while experiencing the genuine hospitality and friendly faces that make this town special.Show More

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  • Citgo
    222 Narragansett TrlBuxton, ME 04093
  • Sunoco
    415 Hollis RdHollis Center, ME 04042
  • Gulf
    156 Woodman RdBuxton, ME 04093
