
Auto Repair

What Should I Do When My Car Dies on the Road?

Four tips for keeping yourself and your vehicle safe while you wait.
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Auto Repair

What to Know About: Auto Damage

When a car is damaged by an accident or weather, what can be repaired and what must be replaced? Or is it time to buy a new car?
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Property Damage

Be Wary of Scam Attempts by "Storm Chasers"

Even though countless strangers often come together in times of crises to help one another, unfortunately there are always golden-rule breakers who only see the vulnerability of others as a selfish opportunity.
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Auto Repair

Car Accident Aftermath

No matter whether an accident involved a freshly licensed teen or an experienced driver, knowing what to do (or not do) is essential to bouncing back.
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Auto Repair

How to Winterize Your Car

All it takes is a little preparation to get your car winter-ready and to keep from getting into an icy situation.
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Auto Repair

The October To-Do List

It’s time to bring long sleeves and long pants out of storage, prep your home and car, and contact the cool weather home/yard contractors.
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Property Damage

Your Safety: Preparing for a Tornado

Tornadoes have the power to cause widespread devastation and can affect inland areas. Learn the tips to keep your family safe.
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Property Damage

Your Safety: Preparing for a Hurricane

Knowing how to react to a Hurricane and preparing ahead can reduce the risk of injury and help ensure your safety.
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Auto Repair

Six Sanity-Saving Tips for Carpooling

Great apps and resources that can help make you the master of headache-free pickups and dropoffs.
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Auto Repair

Seven Ways to Get Your Family Into Back-to-School Mode

Get ready for back to school while you have the time to do it. From shopping and haircuts to dentists and auto repairs.
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Auto Repair

How Much Does it Cost to Replace a Timing Belt?

Don't let timing belt replacement costs prevent you from this very important bit of car maintenance. Find out what you need to know to keep your vehicle running.
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Auto Repair

How Much Does a Windshield Repair Cost?

A variety of factors can influence your windshield repair costs. Find out which kind of damage is most serious, as well as why you shouldn't delay in getting repairs.
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