
Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse: Symptoms to Look for in a Loved One

One out of every seven Americans will face a substance addiction. Here are some resources to help you help a loved one, and notice signs of abuse.
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Drug Abuse

What You Need to Know About Drug Rehab Centers

Drug rehab centers vary in terms of treatments, facilities and more. There's a lot to understand before admitting yourself or staging an intervention.
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Drug Abuse

What Are Drug Abuse Statistics You Should Know About

These drug abuse statistics reveal the true effects of abusing both legal and illegal substances. Find out more about the realities of drug abuse in America.
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Drug Abuse

What are Signs of Drug Abuse

There are numerous signs of drug abuse - some particular to specific substances and others common among all users. Find out what to look for.
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Drug Abuse

What Substance Abuse Counselors Do

Substance abuse counselors aid people on their road to recovery. Learn about the kind of training these specialists undertake and the role they play in combating drug and alcohol addiction.
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Drug Abuse

Prescription Drug Abuse: Everything You Need to Know

Prescription drug abuse is common among all age groups, and not everyone is obtaining their drug of choice in illicit ways. Find out more about this common problem.
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Drug Abuse

Teen Drug Abuse: Facts, Treatments & Prevention

Parents and caregivers should discourage teens from doing drugs, spot if they are abusing illegal substances and help search for treatment options in the event an adolescent requires help.
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