
Home Improvement

Bathroom Upgrade: Get the Most for Your Money

An expert in home restoration and flips discusses the ins and outs of bathroom upgrades so you can learn what works for your budget and style.
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Organizing And Cleaning

Home-Cleaning Projects by Time: An Hour, a Day, a Weekend

When you're short on time, squeeze in cleaning tasks that will help minimize your effort, organize your home, and remove the filth.
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Home Improvement

Expert Tips for Kid-Proofing Your Home

Don't leave safety up to luck when it comes to your children. If you're stumped on where to start kid proofing, bring in an expert to give you a better idea of what hazards you have in the home.
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Home Decor

Home Trends to Look for in 2017

Trends for 2017 are mostly affordable within any budget—while they can certainly present lavishly, they don't require a lavish outlay of cash.
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Home Improvement

Going Solar: Pros and Cons

Solar energy is not only eco-friendly, it may be the solution of the future. But it depends on your situation. Here's how to figure out if going solar is right for you.
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Which Home Security System Is Right for Me?

Home security comprises a number of different technologies, tools and techniques. Choose one that fits your needs and your budget.
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Home Improvement

The December To-Do List

There are just a few more things to do before this year comes to a close. This checklist will help you stay on track and get ready for the next 12 months.
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Home Improvement

The November To-Do List

Excitement for the holiday season abounds, but don't ignore the crucial details! Use this checklist to prepare for family feasts and gift-giving.
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Tree Safety & Removal - 10 Things You Should Know

Trimming and removing trees can be dangerous, if not deadly. Learn how to stay safe and when to call a professional.
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Home Improvement

10 Tips to Get Your Home Winter-Ready

Try our top home-winterization tips and ideas to prevent major winter blues.
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Home Decor

10 Ideas to Get Your Home Fall-Ready

These cooler-weather prepping tips should begin creeping into your consciousness as the dog days tick by.
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Home Decor

Big and Small Ways to Increase Your Home's Curb Appeal

Try these deceptively quick, easy, and sometimes very affordable tricks to up your home's exterior.
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