

Wicked and Wonderful Halloween Decorations to Buy and Make

Ideas and inspiration to get your tomb sweet tomb ready for the spookiest day of the year.
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Home Decor

Candle Safety: 10 Things You Should Know

From keeping wicks trimmed to using glow sticks instead of tea lights, there are numerous ways to prioritize candle safety. Use these tips the next time you break out the lighter or matches.
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Home Decor

Home Trends to Look for in 2017

Trends for 2017 are mostly affordable within any budget—while they can certainly present lavishly, they don't require a lavish outlay of cash.
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Holiday Hosting Checklist: 10 Things to Know

We want your holiday parties to be the talk of the season, so we've rounded up our top tips on how to pull off hosting without a hitch.
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Auto Repair

The October To-Do List

It’s time to bring long sleeves and long pants out of storage, prep your home and car, and contact the cool weather home/yard contractors.
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2016 Halloween Trends: Games, Girl Power, and Rocking the Vote

Halloween 2016 looks to be rife with of-the-moment costumes. From the spooky to the silver screen, check out what's at the top of the list.
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Intro to College Moving: 101

We've put together a small list to get you started on your journey -- and the first step starts with a single box.
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Home Decor

10 Ideas to Get Your Home Fall-Ready

These cooler-weather prepping tips should begin creeping into your consciousness as the dog days tick by.
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Home Decor

Big and Small Ways to Increase Your Home's Curb Appeal

Try these deceptively quick, easy, and sometimes very affordable tricks to up your home's exterior.
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Home Decor

Prep Your Home to Sell With Tips From HGTV's 'Listed Sisters'

Twins Lex and Alana LeBlanc ('Listed Sisters') know a thing or two about prep and design and specialize in turning lived-in homes into a quick sell. The sisters share some basic tips behind their winning concept.
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