

Winter Lawn and Garden Prep

When frigid winter days have you longing for spring showers and their magical flowers, there is no need to suffer in silence.
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Home Repair & Maintenance

The January 2017 To-Do List

The holiday festivities are over, but January doesn't have to be a drag. It's actually the best time to finish projects and organize your life – all while having a little fun.
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Landscaping Services

Leaf It Alone.... Or Not: Seven Tips for Leaf Removal

How and why to minimize fall-leaf damage, and the tools you'll need to do it right.
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Home Decor

10 Ideas to Get Your Home Fall-Ready

These cooler-weather prepping tips should begin creeping into your consciousness as the dog days tick by.
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The August To-Do List

There's still one month of summer left. Before those lazy, hazy days come to an end, use our get-things-done list to make the most of this fleeting season in the sun.
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The July To-Do List

Use YP's sizzling summer checklist to pack in as many backyard barbecues, family trips, and memorable outings as you can before the kids head back to school.
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How to Get the Greenest Lawn

DIY Network host and pro landscaper Chris Lambton's top tips on ensuring your grass really is greener. Plus the best grass for your climate, when and how much to water, and converting to a drought-tolerant yard.
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The May To-Do List: 5 Home Projects to Save Your Yard -- and Lives, Too

It's green-thumb time, and we can help you find it! In the world of getting things done, May is all about making your outdoor living spaces come alive and thrive, Here are five things you can do to spruce up -- and safety up -- your yard.
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