Canadys, SC
Business Directory

Canadys is a small town located in western Colleton County, South Carolina. With a population of just over 400 residents, Canadys offers a laid-back and peaceful atmosphere for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The town is surrounded by scenic countryside and offers plenty of outdoor recreational activities such as fishing, boating, and hunting. While Canadys may be small, it is home to a number of local businesses that cater to the community's needs. From hardware stores to grocery markets and family-run restaurants, Canadys has everything you need within reach. Supporting these local businesses is a great way to contribute to the town's economy and foster a strong sense of community.Show More

Map of Canadys, SCMap of Canadys, SC

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Cheapest GasCheapest Gas

  • Crosco Express
    11090 Augusta HwyWalterboro, SC 29488
  • BP
    11089 Augusta HwyWalterboro, SC 29488
  • Shell
    11109 Augusta HwyWalterboro, SC 29488
