If you are at a high risk for developing osteoporosis, your physician has different measures and options to objectively assess your risks. These include...
Chronic pain: Vitamin D deficiencies have been found in 33 studies looking at chronic pain such as fibromyalgia, myalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. In these studies 48-100% of the participants were deficient in vitamin D levels. Improvement in pain and muscle strength occurred in studies that supplemented with vitamin D levels. Another study that looked at 360 patients with chronic low back pain with no known cause, identified 83% of the patients were deficient in vitamin D. After supplementation, 95% of patients noted clinical improvement in back pain.
While it’s not usually the primary concern that brings patients into the office, the vast majority of people I see aim to lose weight to improve their health and boost confidence. We’ve seen over and over again that the fad-diet approach just doesn’t work long-term, so I’ve developed a different technique for weight loss that focuses on sustainable changes for lasting health. Following is an overview of my approach and some of the barriers we need to address in any weight loss plan.
Nutritional Counseling
General Health: Acute and Chronic Care, Well Child/Well Adult Check-up, Nutritional Counseling, Physical Exams for School and Work, Neuromodulation Technique (NMT)...
Pediatric Care
While always feeling an affinity towards women´s healthcare, Dr. Christensen’s passion toward pediatrics has grown with every year of practice. She realizes that teaching healthy habits of care to children and families from the earliest age, she could make the biggest difference in the world. She has found that naturopathic care can truly address and remove the cause of the problem and provides safe and effective solutions that promotes a healthy future.
Primary Care
Why do I have pain and what can I do about it? Chronic pain is one of most common complaints seen by primary care doctors today. It affects all age groups, and most people will experience at least one episode of lasting pain in their lifetime. Chronic pain currently affects an estimated 100 million Americans, more than heart disease, diabetes, and cancer combined. Although pain is one of the largest costs to our medical system, we, unfortunately, have few effective, conventionally available options for symptom relief. The good news, however, is that our understanding of the origins of pain is growing rapidly in recent years, and novel new therapies to effectively manage pain without drugs or surgery are emerging.
Ear Infections
Family Practice
Dr. Julieanne Neal, ND, CMT is a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in women’s health and family medicine at Springs Natural Medicine in Colorado Springs and at Flatirons Natural Medicine in Boulder, Colorado.
High Cholesterol
Urinary Incontinence
Egg allergy is more common than one may think. Eggs are one of the top ten most common food allergies. One reason eggs may cause an immune reaction is that they have been used for many years in vaccination production. Since vaccines are grown in chick embryos the protein from eggs are contained in many vaccinations. Once the vaccine is administered, the body forms an immune response to the vaccine and the egg proteins. Another reasons for an egg allergy is that egg protein is difficult to digest and easily attacked by the immune system if larger particles are absorbed through a weakened digestive tract.
Visceral Manipulation is extremely effective in treating digestive, urogenital and pelvic complaints, IBS, IBD, diverticulitis, gallstones, hiatal hernia, gastric ulcers, problems swallowing, hepatitis, pyloric stenosis, bowel adhesions, endometriosis, bladder dysfunction, incontinence, cystic ovaries, infertility, menstrual cramps, etc.
Pelvic Pain
Comparative studies found visceral manipulation, the work of Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, is effective for bloating, constipation, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, swallowing dysfunction, chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, fibroids and cysts, dysmenorrhea, menopausal symptoms, bladder and prostate issues, headaches, migraines, peripheral joint pain, chronic spinal dysfunction, post-operative scar tissue, post infectious scar tissue, whiplash, infant colic, etc. Much of the effectiveness of organ mobilization is due to optimizing blood, nerve and lymph flow surrounding an organ. When prescribing nutrition or medications for a specific organ, ideal blood and lymph flow creates the perfect environment for healing to occur.
Cancer: Vitamin D also acts an effective regulator of cell growth and differentiation in a number of different cell types, including cancer cells. Laboratory, animal, and epidemiological evidence suggest that vitamin D may be protective against some cancers. Clinical studies now show vitamin D deficiency to be associated with four of the most common cancers: Breast, Prostate, Colon and Skin. Recent studies have found that vitamin D levels of 33 ng/ml provided a 50% lower risk of colon cancer and at levels higher than 52 ng/ml provided a 50% lower risk of breast cancer.
Craniosacral is most indicated for migraine headaches, chronic neck and back pain, motor-coordination impairments, colic, autism, CNS disorders, traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, scoliosis, infantile disorders, learning disabilities, chronic fatigue, emotional difficulties, fibromyalgia and other auto-immune conditions, TMJ, and post surgical recovery.
Multiple Sclerosis
Autoimmune Disorders: Multiple Sclerosis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis and Crohn’s disease have all been linked with low vitamin D levels. Single, infrequent, intense, skin exposure to UV-B light suppresses the immune system and causes harm. However repeated low-level exposure to sunlight normalizes immune function and enhances immune cell production. This reduces abnormal inflammatory responses such as found in autoimmune disorders, and reducing occurrences of infectious disease.
With only a month or less left of summer, it’s time to think about getting ready for school. When thinking about getting back to school, ask yourself how you can optimize your child’s experience at school. Many issues from the last school year can be addressed in a preventive way. At Springs Natural Medicine we look at ways to make learning easier, naturally treating ADD/ADHD, anxiety and depression without medications and a program to boost immune health to cut down on sick days during the cold and flu season.
Mental Health
Talk to someone. Working with a counselor, psychiatrist, or any mental health professional will do wonders for your mental-emotional health. Studies show that cognitive therapy can be as effective as medications in the cases of mild to severe depression.
Dr Christensen has years of experience treating many different conditions including auto-immune disease, chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivities, highly sensitive people, thyroid disorders, food allergies/intolerance, chronic and acute pain, gallbladder/liver, digestive diseases (such as IBS, IBD, gastropariesis, etc.), diabetes, anxiety and depression.
Traumatic Brain Injury & Headaches Altered brain function secondary to head trauma occurs most often from falls, explosive devices, or motor vehicle accidents. Symptoms range from mild to severe and can include headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ear, fatigue, or impairments in attention and memory; when these symptoms are long lasting, the term “post-concussive syndrome” is used. After initial stabilization and acute traumas have been resolved, we can use functional, in-office neurological testing to identify which areas of the brain have been harmed and are not functioning at full capacity. This testing often reveals minor dysfunction or imbalances that cannot be identified on MRI or CAT scans. These can be corrected using 10-30 minutes of rehabilitation exercises daily in combination with targeted dietary and herbal therapies.
Acutonics works on the principles of sound therapy. There are many ancient records that talk about using sound to heal. In the Old Testament there is a record of David playing the harp to treat King Saul’s depression and in ancient Hellenic culture the pain of sciatica and gout was eased with flute playing.
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory condition and is often described as red, itchy, severely inflamed skin. It usually begins in infancy or early childhood and is often associated with a personal or family history of asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or food allergy. We often refer to these conditions as the allergic triad, for many infants and children with eczema often progress to suffer from allergies and asthma as they get older if the cause of the hyper-reactive immune response isn’t identified and corrected.
Skin Care
We live in a very toxic environment. We are constantly bombarded with toxic chemicals in our food (and plastic food containers), skin care products, and even the air we breathe. These chemicals tend to accumulate in our body in our fat cells; our body doesn’t necessarily want to let go of those fat cells because that would mean liberating all those toxic substances from their holding cells. Now that liberation is an important part of the process, but if not done correctly can have detrimental consequences for your health (and make weight loss even harder). As a naturopathic doctor, I have extensive training in safe and effective detoxification to get rid of the toxins and their fatty storage containers.
Men’s Health: Cardiovascular health, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, prostatitis, BPH, weight loss, hair loss, low back pain, heartburn, stomach ulcers, allergies, chronic pain, asthma, psoriasis, alopecia, tinnitus and more…
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a form of bodywork that focuses on the craniosacral system and fascial system of the body. CST treatment techniques are hands-on, but gentle, non-forceful and non-invasive. Unlike chiropractic, CST never applies physical force to move bones or body structures. Unlike massage, CST applies only a very light touch or physical pressure and is usually done with patients fully clothed. Unlike physical therapy, CST does not exercise or “work” muscles or other body structures. Unlike Reiki or other “energy” work, CST involves actual physical touch and works directly with the CST and fascial system.
Back Pain
Manual Therapy
Dr. Faith uses the full spectrum of naturopathic medicine to help her patients achieve their health and life goals – from craniosacral therapy, flower essences, gemstone therapy, visceral manipulation, sound healing(the use of sound to heal), herbs and dietary modifications, to supplementation and Neuromodulatory Technique (NMT). She also works with people as part of their health care team accepting referrals for specific manual therapy.
Springs Natural Medicine offers this comprehensive food allergy and sensitivity analysis. this is not a prick test but an extremely specific blood antibody testing procedure so you can know with certainty what foods you or a loved one are sensitive to and at what level the sensitivity or allergy exists. After the allergies are identified, the doctors at Springs Natural Medicine have solutions for living with and eliminating food related sensitivities, allergies and intolerance. Contact Springs Natural Medicine today!