Every dream is a vision that if YOU believe YOU will achieve.
General Info
The mission of eyas is to provide the youth in economically challenged neighborhoods with financial literacy. Career placement. And life skills to overcome roadblocks that MAY prevent them from becoming self sufficient adults.
Empowering youth achieving success purpose is to address. Educate. Coordinate. And provide youth in economically challenged neighborhoods with financial literacy. Career placement. And life skills to overcome roadblocks that MAY prevent them from becoming SELF-SUFFICIENT adults on a local and global level. We provide education by giving free lectures. Tutoring. Workshops. And a JOB shadowing programs. We partner with other community organizations other private. Other public venues AS well AS utilizing social media channels and the Corporation’s WEBSITE to provide information about OUR current programs and other related data on causes. Current efforts and solutions to help with the current program GOALS. OUR programs include collaborating with schools. Churches. And other organizations on a local and global level to hold fundraising events in order to provide immediate relief and assistance from crisis prevention that MAY include clothes. Shoes. Temporary shelter. And hunger regardless of their race. Ethnicity. Or religion.