Cumberland, KY
Business Directory

Located in southeastern Kentucky, Cumberland is a small town known for its rich history and stunning natural beauty. With its close proximity to the Kentucky coalfields, Cumberland played a crucial role in the state's mining industry. Today, visitors can explore the fascinating Cumberland Museum, which offers a glimpse into the town's mining heritage. Additionally, Cumberland is surrounded by picturesque mountains and offers opportunities for hiking, fishing, and camping. When it comes to local businesses, Cumberland is home to charming cafes and restaurants that serve delicious Southern cuisine. Visitors can also find unique boutiques and shops that showcase local crafts and artisanal products. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or supporting local businesses, Cumberland has something for everyone.Show More

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  • Black Bear Market
    706 Main StCumberland, KY 40823
  • Citgo
    605 Redskin DrCumberland, KY 40823
  • Shell
    605 Redskin DrCumberland, KY 40823