Elsie, MI
Business Directory

Elsie is a small, yet charming town located in the heart of Clinton County. Known for its peaceful atmosphere and close-knit community, Elsie offers a true escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The town is proud of its rich farming heritage, with vast fields surrounding the area. Local businesses in Elsie cater to the needs of residents and visitors alike, providing essential services such as grocery stores, restaurants, and small boutiques. Whether you're exploring the local shops or enjoying a meal at one of the family-owned restaurants, Elsie's small-town charm is sure to captivate and leave a lasting impression.Show More

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  • Citgo
    133 N Ovid StElsie, MI 48831
  • Elsie Town Tub
    133 N Ovid StElsie, MI 48831