Fairview, NC
Business Directory

Fairview is a charming town located in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Nestled between rolling hills and breathtaking natural beauty, Fairview offers a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere for residents and visitors alike. The town is known for its close-knit community and strong sense of local pride. Despite its small size, Fairview boasts a diverse range of local businesses that cater to all your needs. From quaint cafes and artisanal bakeries to boutique shops and family-owned restaurants, there is something for everyone in this hidden gem of a town. Whether you're looking for a cozy spot to grab a coffee or a unique gift to take home, you'll find it in Fairview. Support the local economy and enjoy the warm hospitality that this town has to offer.Show More

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Coffee ShopsCoffee Shops

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    1395 Charlotte HwyFairview, NC 28730
  • Amoco
    1185 Charlotte HwyFairview, NC 28730
  • Gulf
    1299 Charlotte HwyFairview, NC 28730
