Fostoria, MI
Business Directory

Fostoria is a small yet charming town located in the heart of the Great Lakes Bay Region. Known for its tranquil suburban atmosphere and close-knit community, Fostoria offers a peaceful respite from the hustle and bustle of larger cities. Nature lovers will appreciate the nearby parks and natural areas, perfect for hiking, biking, and enjoying the great outdoors. The town is also home to a variety of local businesses, including family-owned restaurants serving delicious homemade cuisine, quaint boutiques offering unique gifts and crafts, and local shops providing all the essentials. Visitors to Fostoria can experience the warmth and hospitality of the locals while exploring the town's hidden gems.Show More

Map of Fostoria, MIMap of Fostoria, MI

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  • Shell
    5947 N Lapeer RdNorth Branch, MI 48461
  • BP
    5947 N Lapeer RdNorth Branch, MI 48461