Harrods Creek, KY
Business Directory

Harrods Creek is a charming small town located in Jefferson County. Known for its peaceful atmosphere and picturesque surroundings, this community is perfect for those seeking a tranquil lifestyle. Harrods Creek offers residents access to outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and boating, thanks to its proximity to Harrods Creek Park and the Ohio River. In addition to its natural beauty, the town is home to a variety of local businesses that cater to residents' needs. From cozy cafes and restaurants offering delicious homemade cuisines to specialty shops and boutiques, Harrods Creek has a thriving business scene that adds to its overall charm.Show More

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Popular RestaurantsPopular Restaurants

Public ParksPublic Parks

Post Office LocationsPost Office Locations

Public SchoolsPublic Schools


Public LibrariesPublic Libraries

Police StationsPolice Stations

Coffee ShopsCoffee Shops

Golf CoursesGolf Courses

Grocery StoresGrocery Stores

Cheapest GasCheapest Gas

  • Thorntons
    13302 W Highway 42Prospect, KY 40059
  • Valero
    1702 Allison LnJeffersonville, IN 47130
  • Meijer Gas Station
    10701 Fischer Park DrLouisville, KY 40241
