Ligonier, PA
Business Directory

Ligonier is a quaint town located in southwestern Pennsylvania. Known for its rich history and charming small-town atmosphere, Ligonier offers visitors a relaxing and enjoyable experience. The town is home to Fort Ligonier, a reconstructed fort from the French and Indian War era, which provides a glimpse into the area's past. In addition to its historical significance, Ligonier is also a hub for outdoor activities, such as hiking and fishing, with multiple parks and trails to explore. When it comes to local businesses, Ligonier boasts a variety of charming shops, boutiques, and restaurants. Whether you're looking for unique antique finds, locally-made crafts, or delicious farm-to-table meals, Ligonier has something to offer every visitor.Show More

Map of Ligonier, PAMap of Ligonier, PA

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