Long-term chronic pain seems to respond well when both the nerve interference and muscular taut bands are addressed at the same time.
General Info
Presence, listening, and compassionate touch are senior to all the knowledge, experience, and technology in the world. I try to remain current with all the latest health trends, discoveries, and techniques; but the recognition and acknowledgement of who is on the table in front of me is the real guide to what takes place. True healing is really and deeply the connecting of hearts regardless of outcome. Back pain, headaches, chest pain from ribs, shoulder issues, stress, whiplash, knee or hip problems, and neck pain are all frequent concerns helped most effectively by chiropractic. Over the years I have seen and helped hundreds of patients with each of these issues. Results cannot be promised, but I can promise to be fully present with you, listening to your concerns, and taking whatever time required to bring forth all the knowledge and wisdom 30 years of practice can provide.
Personal Injury Care (Automobile accident), Chiropractic Examination, Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy, Chiropractic Adjustment, Personal Injury Care (Automobile accidents), MyoFascial Trigger Point Therapy, Chiropractic Examination.