Don't have another care, call Cory's Plumbing and repair. Cory's Plumbing has been Sacramento's Older Home Specialist since 1995. Owner, Cory Franz, is a Sacramento native who brings years of contracting work experience to his plumbing business. Our excellent reputation and long list of satisfied clients attest to our superior craftsmanship, attention to detail, clear communication, honesty and integrity. Cory's Plumbing is available 24/7 when you have a plumbing problem. 916-452-5580 or 530-642-9776 Copper re-pipes, water heaters, toilets, faucets, p-traps, disposals, anglestops, install or repair sewer lines, waterlines, and gas lines, concrete removal, dryrot, sheetrock and tile tear-out All Your Plumbing Needs CA lic # 700849