Since 1983, all the Dependable, Pure Water you need at a price you can afford now!… if you let us install what experts are calling the World’s Finest Watermakers ! Fresh, Brackish and Seawater units producing from 40 to 100,000+ Gallons per Day. Designed to satisfy the product or office manager, homeowner, professional captain and chief engineers for supply ships, offshore platforms, megayachts, as well as remote resorts, luxury homes on Islands and Coasts.
We Specialize in Providing Systems For: Yachts, Ships, & Oil Platforms Hotels & Resorts Residential and Office Purifiers Softeners, Carbon Filters, etc. Ozone and Ultraviolet Sterilizers Industrial Processes Nurseries and Hydroponics Agriculture/Food Processing Bottling and Beverages Industry Boiler Feed Water Electronics Industry, Metal Coating Medical, Lab, Pharmaceutical