It was like I found a dream in a nightmare. After serving MY country. I was faced with the reality. That I was homeless. When figuring OUT MY WAY back UP. I kNew I HAD to find a WAY to stop this from happening to others. I knew just the WAY. In MY life time I have MET some wonderful. Talented. And outgoing people. I learned that music is NOT only words but an inspiration. Through music. We have found NOT only a WAY to express yourself. But a WAY to inspire others to keep going. There is a strong group of US investing OUR time and energy to help homeless veterans. Every time someone buys an S. A. L (save a life) product. The money is used to help the homeless veterans. Such AS. . Care packages. Food. Clothes. And a hotel. Music is used to GET the message OUT to the world. NO matter the genre. The VA does their part in helping homeless veterans. But while there are waiting. We CAN supply them with shelter. Food. Clothing. And VA assistance.
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