Arthur Linville Former Agent, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation FBI National Academy Graduate Life Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners Diplomate, Board Certified Forensic Examiner, ABFE Board Certified Forensic Document Examination, ABFHA Court Qualified Expert, Forensic Document Examination, in State and Federal Courts Listed in the National Registry of Forensic Examiners Guest Editorial Advisory Board Member - The Forensic Examiner, ACFEI Certified Basic & Advanced Law Enforcement Instructor, CLEET (1973-1981) Arthur and Patricia Linville are also licensed polygraph examiners and both are former Chairpersons of the Oklahoma Board of Polygraph Examiners Computerized Polygraph Instrumentation
Arthur Linville & Patricia Linville Forensic Document Examination Examination of Handwriting and Handprinting to Determine Authenticity and Authorship Forensic examination of the physical features of documents of documents via microscopy, micrometry- ultraviolet light, video spectral analysis and electrostatic detection devices to detect alterations, additions, deletions, interlineations and page substitutions, and to decipher obliterated, erased, invisible and indented writing impressions Recovery of Information from Charred and Water Damaged Documents Detection of Physical & Electroncic Cut & Paste Forgeries Identification of Printers and Photocopiers by Imprint Analysis Paper Analysis Differentiaton of Inks Dating of Documents Professional Consultation Expert Testimony Preparation of Demonstrative Court Exhibits and Power Point Presentations Polygraph Examination Civil Criminal Personal Employment Sex Offense Allegations Computerized Instrumentation 26,000 Examinations Administered
Western Tower Building, East Side of Western Avenue Between SW 44th and SW 59th
Certified Document Examiner
Licensed Polygraph Examiners
American College of Forensic Examiners International
International Association for Identification
Oklahoma Division of IAI
World Association of Document Examiners (1989-1998)
American Polygraph Association (1979-2011)
Oklahoma Polygraph Examiners Association
FBI National Academy Associates