"Helping you Achieve what you Believe about birth; Spirit, Soul, and Body."
General Info
It would be our joy to be part of your birth team, we are dedicated to assisting you during Labor and childbirth. Doulas (birth assistants) do not take the place of your spouse they simply add an expertise about labor and childbirth that can give you and your spouse a variety of ideas and peace of mind on how to work together to get the job done. We understand that circumstances and situations are not the same for everyone. Therefore, if you are single parenting or your spouse is unable to attend the birth we are able to step in and provide you with that one on one support you deserve. In any situation we will provide you with consistant support, comfort measures for labor, birth planning, and more.
Birth Doula Services Education in comfort measures / techniques in labor General Pregnancy Education Education on the birth process Birth PlanningBreastfeeding assistance