Pickens, WV
Business Directory

Located in the heart of West Virginia, Pickens is a small town that offers a charming and tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Surrounded by picturesque mountains and breathtaking natural beauty, this hidden gem is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can explore the vast forests with hiking and biking trails, or try their luck at fishing in the nearby rivers and streams. For history buffs, Pickens is home to the historic Fort Pickens, which played a significant role during the Civil War. In terms of local businesses, the town boasts a handful of quaint shops and cozy cafes that offer a warm welcome to both residents and tourists alike. Whether you're savoring a cup of coffee at the local café or browsing through the unique items at the boutique, Pickens ensures a delightful experience for all who venture through its doors.Show More

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