Therapeutic Massage customized for each individual's needs. Relaxation Swedish Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage. Injury Treatment for whiplash, headaches numb and tingling arms and legs, sciatic pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, tendinitis, carpal tunnel, back pain, constrictions in tendons and muscles, deep tissue aches, stretching for muscle tone, fascial adhesions, trigger point & tender points, structural and posture improvement. Pregnancy Massage
TMJD and Intraoral Massage, Endorsed by State of WA
Soldiers & Veterans; 10% Military discount. Certified with Citizens Soldier Support Program.
Experience the difference - live without pain and be at ease Art of Life Massage for relaxation, relieving muscle pain and fatigue in your body.
Kathy Lund, LMP is an experienced Licensed Massage Practitioner who specializes in relaxation, deep tissue & injury treatment. She is also endorsed by the State of Washington to do TMJD jaw and Intraoral care.
Kathy has worked with all types of clientele - business people, construction workers, soldiers, athletes, mothers, the disabled, people with injuries and many others who have discovered the benefits of massage as an integral part of their preventive health routine.
Massage will restore a deeper feeling of relaxation in your body. It also can help improve your sleep. The power of touch helps to reduce blood pressure and ease your mind. Muscles are rejuvenated, circulation increases and the mind~body connection is enhanced for an improved sense of well being.