Joseph Weber LCSW
Fax: (585) 271-1129
Weber, Joseph
Joseph M. Weber, LCSW-R
I divorced my husband of 23 years at the time because Mr. Weber convinced me at that time sight unseen that my husband was a pathological abuser. He never addressed the fact that I was married to him for a long. time. He told me that my husband was the cause of my depression that my husband would never change because he did not know that he had a problem. I asked repeatedly that he (weber) see my husband who also wanted to be with for support. in my depression this was the first a therapist ever refused repeatedly to see my husband saying that he would use my therapy against me weber also add that as long as i was married to my husband I could not meet any one else. weber mentioned my age and said do you want to be depressed the rest of your life in ready and article in a doctor office one day i realized that most family members to participate in therapy when the client. repeatly ask. Itrust weber and never confided in my husband about the advise weber was giving me . My never used a bad word when talking to me. mr weber who never looked my husband in the eye diagnosed him sight unseen.What about the depressions I had before my husband? What about the depressions i had after my divorce are those still my ex-husbands fault? And believe me i have yet to meet any one like my former husband the one guy that i did meet and dated on and off for three years was nothing of the caliber of my husband unfortunately i never discussed these things with my pychitriate or he i am sure would have stepped in. this therapist is a controlling knowitall stay away.
Phone: (585) 271-5610
Address: 130 Allens Creek Rd Ste 100, Rochester, NY 14618
160 Allens Creek Rd, Rochester, NY 14618
95 Allens Creek Rd, Rochester, NY 14618
2261 Monroe Ave, Rochester, NY 14618
1722 Mount Hope Ave, Rochester, NY 14620
120 Allens Creek Rd, Rochester, NY 14618
224 Alexander St, Rochester, NY 14607
120 Allens Creek Rd, Rochester, NY 14618
95 Allens Creek Rd, Rochester, NY 14618
300 White Spruce Blvd, Rochester, NY 14623
2190 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14609