Appellate proceedings is intellectual warfare with the written word. Mr. Baker has extensive experience representing a variety of litigants in a variety of appeals, and in a variety of appellate courts. Questions you should ask any attorney you are considering hiring to represent you in an appellate proceeding: Have you successfully advocated and won appellate cases reversing trial court rulings? Have you done so in a variety of intermediate appellate courts in Texas, as well as in the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and the Supreme Court of Texas? Mr. Baker can answer "yes" to both, once again.
In the latest round of this long-running appellate slug-fest, the Plaintiff, Mr. Martinez-Partido, represented by Mr. Baker, prevailed once again in this medical malpractice case, this time before the Fourth Court of Appeals, the court which four years before had dismissed the Plaintiff's case with prejudice. Mr. Baker personally presented oral argument to the Fourth Court of Appeals in San Antonio prior to its decision to reverse an adverse ruling for the Plaintiff in the trial court.