Selbyville, DE
Business Directory

Selbyville, located in Sussex County, is a charming town with a lot to offer. With a population of just over 2,000, Selbyville provides a peaceful and close-knit community for its residents. This small town is home to several local businesses that cater to the needs of the community, from family-owned grocery stores and barber shops to cafes and restaurants serving delicious homemade meals. Visitors can explore the town's history with a trip to the Selbyville Historical Society, and outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy the nearby Assawoman Wildlife Area for hiking and nature walks. Selbyville is a great place to experience the warmth of a small town while supporting local businesses.Show More

Map of Selbyville, DEMap of Selbyville, DE

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  • Exxon
    38452 Dupont BlvdSelbyville, DE 19975
  • BP
    18 N Dupont HwySelbyville, DE 19975
  • Selbyville Goose Creek
    38452 Dupont BlvdSelbyville, DE 19975
