Slovan, PA
Business Directory

Slovan, located in Washington County, is a quaint town known for its tight-knit community and serene countryside. Surrounded by rolling hills and lush green fields, Slovan offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. The town boasts a few local businesses that cater to its residents' needs, including a charming diner that serves homemade comfort food, a family-owned hardware store that has been a fixture in the community for decades, and a cozy bookstore where locals can browse and purchase their favorite reads. Whether you're a long-time resident or just passing through, Slovan's friendly atmosphere and local businesses provide a warm and welcoming experience.Show More

Map of Slovan, PAMap of Slovan, PA

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  • Kwik Fill
    1604 Main StBurgettstown, PA 15021
  • BP
    1205 Main StBurgettstown, PA 15021
  • Coen Markets
    2038 Smith Township State RdBurgettstown, PA 15021
