Social Circle, GA
Business Directory

Social Circle, is a charming southern town located just east of Atlanta. With a population of around 4,000, it offers a peaceful and close-knit community feel. The town is known for its rich history, evident in the beautifully preserved antebellum homes and historic downtown area. Visitors can enjoy strolling along the quaint streets, admiring the local architecture, or visiting the renowned Blue Willow Inn for a taste of classic southern cuisine. Social Circle is also home to a number of local businesses, including boutique shops, family-owned restaurants, and unique specialty stores, providing a delightful shopping experience for residents and visitors alike.Show More

Map of Social Circle, GAMap of Social Circle, GA

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Cheapest GasCheapest Gas

  • Marathon
    12752 Highway 278 SESocial Circle, GA 30025
  • Chevron
    1299 N Cherokee RdSocial Circle, GA 30025
  • BP
    387 Highway 11 NSocial Circle, GA 30025
