The Order of Discharge is normally entered about 110 days after the Chapter 7 case is filed. The Order provides that all of your eligible debt is discharged and prevents creditors whose debt is discharged from attempting to collect the debt from you. Certain debts are not dischargeable under law. Therefore, you may still be responsible for such debts as certain taxes, student loans, alimony and support payments, criminal restitution, and debts for death or personal injury caused by driving while intoxicated from alcohol or drugs.
After completion of payments under your payment plan, your debts are discharged except for certain debts such as debts that were not listed in the petition, alimony and support payments, student loans, certain debts including criminal fines and restitution and debts for death or personal injury caused by driving while intoxicated from alcohol or drugs, and long-term secured obligations.
The debtor must attend a 341 meeting of creditors, which is held approximately 40 days after the Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition is filed. Your attendance is mandatory and the attorney will accompany you to the meeting. Creditors rarely attend the meeting.
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