Woodbury, CT
Business Directory

Woodbury, located in Litchfield County, is a charming New England town known for its historical significance and picturesque landscapes. With its quaint Main Street lined with beautifully preserved colonial homes and antique shops, Woodbury offers visitors a glimpse into the past. The town is surrounded by rolling hills, making it ideal for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy hiking, biking, and exploring nature. When it comes to local businesses, Woodbury boasts a diverse array of offerings. From independent boutiques and art galleries to cozy cafes and farm-to-table restaurants, there is something for everyone in this vibrant community. Additionally, the town is home to a number of local artisans, craftsmen, and specialty stores, providing visitors with unique shopping experiences. Overall, Woodbury is a must-visit destination for those looking to immerse themselves in an authentic New England atmosphere and support local businesses.Show More

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  • Shell
    24 Main St NWoodbury, CT 06798
  • Patco Handy Stop #19
    718 Main St SWoodbury, CT 06798
  • Mobil
    1633 Main St NWoodbury, CT 06798
