Auburn Placer Disposal Service provides residential and commercial garbage service, debris box service and recycling to residents and businesses in the cities of Rocklin, Auburn, Town of Loomis and in Unincorporated Placer County. The company processes more than 100,000 tons of garbage and recyclable material annually. Auburn Placer Disposal Service also offers spring clean-up day for residents, and provides commercial cardboard recycling and newspaper drop-off.
Auburn Placer Disposal Service's office, maintenance shop, transfer station and recycling buyback center are located in Auburn. The company also operates two other transfer stations in Placer County and is responsible for the post-closure of the closed Auburn landfill.
Material Recovery Facility Recycling Program: Newspapers, Cardboard, White Paper, Motor Oil, Batteries, Aluminum, Glass, and Plastic are Recycled Latex Paint, Appliances, Tires, Scrap Metal, Wood and Green Waste are Accepted with a Processing Fee. Debris Boxes Electronic / Universal Waste Recycling Green Food & Waste Organic Green Food & Waste Recycling Zero Waste & Services