Kimberly Elam, Avon Independent Sales Representative/National Recruiter - serving North Dayton, Ohio and surrounding areas including Vandalia and Englewood. DSWA Certified Elite Leader
One of Dayton area's TOP TEN sales representatives and recruiters. Shop online 24/7 at FREE SHIPPING on orders of $40 or more. Ships directly to any US street address. You can sell Avon too! Call or Text 937.477.8367 for more information. You can also sign up online at and select SELL AVON Join my Award Winning National Team today! Follow me on Facebook and learn about online deals such as free shipping specials
National Recruiter. Local sales; serving North Dayton, Ohio and surrounding areas including Vandalia and Englewood. Shop online 24/7 at FREE SHIPPING on orderf of $40 or more. Ships directly to any US street address
DSWA Certified Elite Leader One of Dayton area's TOP TEN sales representatives and recruiters.