With over 20 years of experience in helping patients of all ages and disabilities, Selective Nursing provides unmatched quality home care and health care assistance to patients throughout Dayton and the surrounding counties.
Certified by the Department of Developmental Disabilities and approved by The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health care, Selective Nursing always adheres to the highest standards of personal care assistance.
Selective Nursing provides the health care products you need to enjoy a comfortable living as well as assisted transportation to appointments and to pick up medications. We work with all of the local hospitals and provide comprehensive at-home services to families and individuals of all ages, genders, and with any physical or mental disabilities.
Bathing Supplies and Assistive Devices
CHF and COPD Management
Cardiovascular Assessment
Complete Nursing Care and Therapy Providers
Comprehensive Personal Care Assistance
Diabetes Management
Feeding Assistive Devices and Supplies
Incontinence Supplies
Maintain a Healthy Home Assistance
Occupational Therapy
Ostomy Supplies
Physical Therapy
Pre- and Post-Surgical Education
Skin Care Supplies
Speech Therapy
Urological Supplies
Wound Care
Wound Care Supplies
Payment method
cash, check
Samaritan's Purse,St. Jude's Children's Hospital,St. Vincent De Paul,The Foodbank