I recevied your invoice today, I am sending you a cheque to cover the cost. I take this opportunity to thank you for your consideration regarding the drywall and the professional way in which the business was completed.
Exposing 4" of the existing felt and wire lath. This is allowing us to duplicate the installation specification that would be used in new construction. This procedure is necessary to ensure if the stucco cracks, it has the felt and the wire lapped, minimum of 2", we strive for up to 4", so that the crack will not open in a straight line, whether tie in is vertical or horizontal
Since 1989 doing roof repairs only, we have heard many reasons why other contractors tell their customers they need a new roof. We deem none as unlikely as the roof tile on a building can not be matched. Those who have tile roofs have our assurance: we have never told a customer they need a new roof because we cannot match the tile. Since 1990 we have matched roof profiles and colors to the aesthetic demand.
Residential Roof Replacement/Installation
In looking for potential employees, we seek mechanically oriented individuals with roofing experience who can be trained in our indisputably successful methods. We have found some workers with a moderate amount of experience (3-5 years or more) who believe they know every aspect of roofing and no longer need any training. They are the proverbial old dogs who can't be taught any new tricks. Instead, we seek to acquire people who are willing to learn and can retain what we've taught. We are are a Drug-Free Workplace.
Having soldered junctions in the flashing is critical. There is no adhesive, mastic, caulking or other space age sealant that can take the place of a soldered junction. Since 1989