Tax planning must mitigate negative tax effects from investment activities, and reduce or shelter tax on money earned or received from other sources—while preserving wealth.
Charitable Giving
T he financial concerns of successful families can be summarized into five major categories of planning. As you consider these five categories, chances are many of your major wealth concerns fit within this framework. As you probably realize, no single one of these five major wealth concerns stands in isolation. They are interconnected in various ways. Wealth protection, for example, is often interrelated with wealth transfer needs. And charitable giving may be structured to support and enhance retirement income goals.
Estate Taxes
Tax Services
T oday’s affluent families need more than just advice about individual securities (stocks and bonds) or commercial indices, like the S&P 500 index of U.S.large cap stocks. They need a process that puts them in control of their decision-making, understanding what matters for investing. Consultative wealth management integrates client planning, investments and tax management around a fiduciary wealth advisor acting as a the client’s personal CFO.
Income Tax
Estate planning—the process for how your wealth is transferred to family and causes you care deeply about — can be important for anyone who wants to be as sure as they can be that their loved ones are provided and cared for adequately after their demise. When done well, estate planning allows you both to pass on your assets in the best way, and to minimize the bite of federal and state income taxes and sometimes estate taxes that accompanies transfer of significant wealth. Your estate plan may not be preparing you as you may think according to what you want today. That’s because over half of the estate plans among those surveyed are more than three years old.
At the Mutual Commitment Meeting, assuming questions and issues regarding plan implementation are addressed and any final planning adjustments are made. At the Organizational Meeting, the wealth advisor helps the client organize new custodial accounts and transfer paperwork, addresses unresolved transfer issues, makes miscellaneous corrections, and answers various administrative questions. At Regular Process Meetings, which are typically held two to four times per year, we reports to you about progress toward achieving your financial goals and review any significant changes in personal circumstances that might call for adjustments to investment planning or about advanced planning.
Mutual Funds
An analysis of US-based mutual funds shows that only a small percentage of funds have outperformed industry benchmarks after costs — and among top-ranked funds based on past results, only a small percentage have repeated their success.
Wealth Management
A t Professional Financial, we are wholly committed to making informed decisions for wealth management based a new model of investing: the science of capital markets. Decades of research has led the way. Over 20 years ago we determined that industry leaders like Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) were able to deliver multifactor performance of capital markets and increase returns through state-of-the-art financial engineering that was beyond basic indexing. And their approach has stood the test of time despite an increasingly competitive marketplace. How so? If the science behind DFA’s Noble prize-winning strategies was even slightly wrong, skilled managers from all corners of the financial advisory world would have driven DFA—and very likely our firm—out of business long ago. But, they haven’t.
Step 3: Identify credentialed independent RIAs. You want to see substantial education and training in finance and investments to avoid yet another salesperson. A number of designations may be representative, but the most reliable single evidence for competence as a wealth advisor prior to an initial interview is holding a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) designation and a professional listing with the public with the Financial Planning Association® (FPA®).
Retirement Planning
People planning for retirement may obtain higher expected returns by globally allocating their portfolios around the dimensions of return identified by decades of academic research. A trusted retirement specialist can guide you through a consultative process of making informed decisions for what matters most to your family. DOWNLOAD
Long Term Care
Uncertainty cannot be eliminated, but good planning starts with a realistic expectation of life expectancy, considering personal and family health history.This helpful publication discusses the risks and issues of longevity, inflation, expenses, long-term care, investment, work, family, timing, and others.
Asset Management
In 1981, David Booth co-founded an asset management firm that nurtured the innovative theories about market efficiency that had been coming from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business since the mid-1950s. Along with his partner Rex Sinquefield, another Chicago graduate, Booth shaped Austin, Texas-based Dimensional Fund Advisors into a manager that both refined these academic theories and applied them so investors could profit in the real world.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A growing number of individuals and families want to use some of their wealth to support the causes and organizations they care about most. From helping those less fortunate to facilitating scientific breakthroughs, from promoting spiritual causes to sharing the arts, philanthropy is a core value for many. Here’s a closer look at one philanthropic tool that many charitably minded people and families use: charitable remainder trusts. CRTs can be extremely useful and powerful wealth planning tools that allow you to have a major impact on a charity you value while also providing benefits like lower taxes and a regular income stream for retirement.
Asset Protection
If you have a successful business or substantial assets, you may be a target for frivolous lawsuits. That’s why it’s so important to consider asset protection strategies that can create barriers to protect your family’s wealth. Asset protection planning employs legally accepted concepts and strategies, as well as certain financial products, to ensure a person’s wealth is not