Looking for peace of mind? Dependable care by experienced caregivers since 2003.
General Info
Home Instead provides senior home care services in the Grayslake, IL and surrounding areas. Services include: Respite care, Alzheimer's care, Outpatient care, Short term recovery, Veteran care, Elderly companionship, Seniors transportation, medication reminders, doctors appointments, live-in companions. Call (847) 543-8881 and schedule a FREE home care consultation, where we will build a tailored service package based on your needs.
Our CAREGivers provide Seniors with Companionship, Meal Preparation, Medication Reminders, Light Housekeeping, Assistance with Laundry and Bed Linens, Personal Care, Shopping, Errands, Respite Care, Short Term Recovery Care and so much more. Whether your loved one needs an extra set of ears at a doctor's appointment or a friendly game of checkers, our CAREGivers love to help.