When you consider your fascinations, passions and greatest achievements - things which you know to be extremely pleasing in some way - you enter a state we call, "aesthetic arrest." This is first expressed as a position within your body from which you experience a sense of calm and pervasive well-being; yet powerful awareness that anything is possible!
Group Therapy, Behavior Modification, Psychotherapy, Disability Counseling, Sexuality Problems, Parenting Issues Counseling, Child Counseling, Confidence, Psychoanalysis, By Appointment, Neuro-Psychological Assessments, Psychological Testing, AIDS Counseling, Self Esteem, Stress & Pain Management, Psychiatric Services, Phobias, Alcohol & Substance Abuse, Substance Abuse Groups, Sleep Disorders, Paranoia Counseling, Self-Esteem & Confidence, Art & Play Therapy, Communication Skills, Divorce Counseling, Life Transitions, Sexual Abuse, Loneliness, Gender Identity Counseling, Marital Problems, Adults, Biofeedback, Codependency Programs, Parenting Classes, Single Parents, Add ADHD, Adult Counseling, Hypnotherapy, Anger Management, Forensic Psychology, Pet Therapy, Eating Disorders, Individual Counseling, Consultation, Children, Adolescents, Child Custody, Coping Strategies, Hypertension, Employee Assistance Programs, Incest Counseling, Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment, Grief Counseling, Divorce Mediation, Crisis Counseling, Couples Therapy, Sexual Dysfunction, Premarital Counseling, Residential Programs, Eating Difficulties, Interventions, Hypnobirthing, Life Coaching, Hypnosis, Phone Consultations.