The MACD is one of many indicators available in technical analysis. We do not rely exclusively on the MACD indicator, nor do we recommend, suggest or imply that the MACD be used by investors as the basis for their decisions. The MACD should not be used exclusively as a tool, chart or other device that can be used to make investment, allocation or any portfolio management decision. The MACD has many inherent limitations and investors should consider these limitations and all risks associated with the MACD.
Mutual Funds
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Wealth Management
Envestnet, Inc. (NYSE: ENV) is a leading provider of unified wealth management technology and services to investment advisors. Our open-architecture platforms unify and fortify the wealth management process, delivering unparalleled flexibility, accuracy, performance and value. Envestnet solutions enable the transformation of wealth management into a transparent, independent, objective, and fully-aligned standard of care, and empower advisors to deliver better results. Envestnet's Advisor Suite® software empowers financial advisors to better manage client outcomes and strengthen their practice. Envestnet provides institutional-quality research and advanced portfolio solutions through our Portfolio Management Consultants group, Envestnet | PMC
Isaac has a B.S. in Business Management from Keene State College, an M.S. in Financial Planning from the College of Financial Planning, and MBA studies at UMass Amherst's Isenberg School of Management.
Retirement Planning
Asset Management
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