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Are You in Financial Trouble? Read the following. Based on years of experience these are the signs. Everyone's financial situation is different, but there are a few indicators that your finances are already in trouble, or on a fast track there. Often people do not realize the seriousness of their financial situation because of they are living week-to-week. It is important to take a step back and assess your financial situation, to help you decide if you should have a consultation with a bankruptcy attorney. Below are some signs you may be in more financial trouble than you think: You are not sure how much you owe. If this is the case, gather all of your credit card bills and loans together and add up the balances. You are entitled to receive a free credit report from all three credit reporting bureaus, once per year. If you can't pay the total amount off within five years then you have a problem. You only pay the minimum monthly payments on your credit cards. Although credit card companies recently increased minimum monthly payments, you are not chipping away at the principal unless you pay more than the minimum. Because of the interest rates, you could make minimum payments for the rest of your life and still never completely pay off the debt. You use one credit card to pay off another or you are using credit to pay your monthly expenses, such as groceries or utility bills. If you don't have any cash left over for necessities after you pay your credit card bills, you are getting deeper in debt every week. You should not be spending more than twenty percent of your net income on credit card bills. You use one credit card to pay another. Although low interest or no interest credit card offers come in the mail every day, ¿surfing¿ your debt (moving the balance of one card to another card) is a sign you are carrying too much debt. Also, using cash advance checks from one card to deposit money into your checking to pay on another card is a serious sign that you are in trouble. Creditors are harassing you or a creditor is suing you. Collectors are persistent and not very pleasant. Getting calls from them can increase your anxiety and even cause you to lose sleep. If you're screening your phone calls not answering until you know whether or not the caller is a collector you're in debt over your head. Furthermore, if the creditor sues your wages can be garnished, your bank account can be frozen, or a lien can be taken against your home. You are dipping into your savings or your (401k) retirement to pay bills. Your "golden years" will not be golden if you have not protected the money you set aside for retirement. You are taking out "payday" loans or pawning your belongings to come up with cash. These practices cost you money - you pay a fee for the payday loan and pawnbrokers do not give you full value on your belongings. Sadly, if you keep going down the same road you will not have the funds to buy the items back.
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Phone: (970) 518-8091

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If you are in need of a honest...

If you are in need of a honest, fair, reliable. trustworthy bankruptcy lawyer then Nick Wimmershoff is who you should use. Our bk was complicated, in fact it took a year to be confirmed. If it wasnt for Nick I do not think we would have made it. Thanks Nick.




My bankruptcy case was complicated and Nick helped me above and beyond. He truly made me feel comfortable through the process, which was my worst nightmare. He worked around my work schedule, which made it convenient for me. I can't express enough how thankful I am that I chose Nick to represent me. His knowledge and expertise come highly recommended!


Phone: (303) 776-5900

Address: 2201 Ken Pratt Blvd # 200, Longmont, CO 80501

Website: This one is a little more fun!

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