A typical individual auto insurance policy covers collision and liability. The limits of your coverage are based on what makes sense for you. Continue reading to find the answers to some frequently asked questions auto insurance policy owners have asked.
Motorcycle Insurance
While riding a motorcycle is different than riding in a car, motorcycle insurance is different than auto insurance. There are parts of a motorcycle insurance policy that are mandatory, and then there are several add-ons available. Deciding what should be included in your motorcycle insurance policy can become confusing. Our team can guide you through the various options available and help you decide which items best fit your motorcycle insurance needs.
Boat Insurance
As a boat owner, it is in your best interest to own a Boat Insurance policy. This policy provides coverage in many areas, including damages caused by vandalism, lightning, collision, and windstorms. It also protects you if a passenger is injured while on the boat.
RV Insurance
A recreational vehicle shares the road with other automobiles, so you may think an auto insurance policy is all you need to cover your home away from home. However, an auto insurance policy needs to include many of the items you will find in a specialized recreational vehicle insurance policy.
Inland Marine Insurance
Truck Insurance
Truckers insurance is designed to provide coverage for individuals or companies that own and operate commercial trucks. This type of insurance typically covers a variety of risks and liabilities that are unique to the trucking industry, including damage to the truck or trailer, liability claims for accidents or injuries, and cargo loss or damage.
If you plan to rent the place you call home, it is very likely your landlord or property management company will require you to carry renters insurance. Even if it is not a requirement, it is in your best interest to have insurance that covers you and your personal property.
Home Insurance
Your home is probably your most valuable asset, and we want to ensure it’s protected. Our experienced agents will offer the knowledge you can trust and affordable, dependable home insurance options. A policy from us protects not just your property; it also protects you, your family, your guests, and your belongings.
Condo Insurance
If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot live in your condo for an extensive period of time, your condo insurance policy may help you cover some or all of the hotel and living expenses you accumulate over this period of time.
When working with one of our agents, life insurance is not complicated or expensive. We can help answer your questions and guide you so you fully understand what it covers and how much you need to protect your loved ones.
Health Insurance
Disability Insurance
How much commercial insurance is excessive? What is too little? State regulations will govern the basic insurance requirements, like workers compensation, unemployment, & disability insurance, etc.
Generally, the objective of a business is to provide a needed service and maximize profits while lowering overhead expenses. This means establishing a strategic plan which could account for anticipated, as well as unexpected expenses. Looking out for those “unexpected expenses” is where we can help. We will help you find a sensibly priced business insurance policy to look out for those unpredicted losses, like accidents, legal claims, worker accidental injuries, and more.
Commercial Property Insurance
Business property insurance: Provides coverage for damage to the garage’s property, including buildings, equipment, and tools. This type of coverage can help protect against damage caused by fire, theft, or other covered events.
Workers Compensation Insurance
We understand that managing your budget is a priority. With our help, we can find you reliable and quality coverage that’s affordable. Our services also can provide your business with general liability or workers compensation. Let us help you get started today.
Commercial Liability Insurance
Professional Liability Insurance
Electricians insurance is designed to provide coverage for electricians and electrical contractors. Electricians face a unique set of risks and liabilities in their work, including property damage, bodily injury, and professional liability claims. Electricians insurance provides coverage for these risks and helps protect electricians and their businesses from financial loss.
Restaurant Insurance
North American Underwriters can help you get the restaurant insurance you need to protect your business from accidents, legal fees, injuries, and even damaged company vehicles.
General liability insurance: Provides coverage for bodily injury and property damage claims that may arise from the landscaping company’s operations. This type of coverage can help protect against claims related to accidents, such as slip-and-fall accidents or property damage caused by landscaping equipment.
Stay protected no matter what unexpected disasters occur. A good flood insurance policy can help cover claims even when a disaster is not declared. Your financial losses can be reimbursed and this does not require repayment.