Q. WHY does your work stand OUT from others WHO DO what YOU DO?
A. I specialize in sleek modern design and MATICULAOUS attention to detail. Also. I have lower prices than the COMPETITION. Q. What DO YOU like most about your job?
a. The feeling of creativity I GET with Freedom. Helping people make their business dreams come to fruition TOO. Q. What questions DO customers most commonly ASK YOU? what's your answer?
a. The most common question would BE prices. Prices. Prices. I charge $30 a hour for MY graphic design services. The second most common would BE time frame. For a WEBSITE. It takes about ONE or TWO weeks to GET a good draft of a 5 page WEBSITE. Q. What is your greatest STRENGTH?
A. MY creativity. Resilience and technical KNOWHOW. Q. Write your OWN question and answer IT. A. How much is hosting PER month?
it is $2.79 PER month for economy hosting. More info CAN BE found AT: HTTP://STORE. CRESCENTCOASTDESIGN. COM.