Serving the Northern Virginia area for nearly 20 years. We are a licensed and insured corporation. Dedicated to meeting the needs of our customers. You can expect nothing but the best. Clean, knowledgeable, uniformed master electricians. The Dr. is here to help. Here are some of the services we provide.
20 Years' Experience - Services include but not limited to: We provide a variety of services for you. All of our services come with a satisfaction guarantee. Competitive prices! * Additions * All Your Electrical Needs * Appliance Hookups * Basements * Bathrooms * Breakers * Ceiling Fans * GFI's * Kitchens * Landscape Lighting * Lighting Fixtures * Microwaves * Panel Changes * Piping * Ranges * Recess Lights * Replace Receptacles * Replace Switches * Security System & Alarms * Service Upgrades * Smoke Detectors * Spas & Hot Tubs * Surge Protectors * Track Lighting * Trouble Shooting