The Ionics Consumer Water Group is a manufacturer of water treatment solutions that create value for people, businesses and industries. Founded in 1947, Ionics Consumer Water Products have helped thousands of consumers and companies to treat their water efficiently, thereby achieving a variety of benefits and reducing operating expenses. Ionics Consumer Water Products condition and purify millions of gallons of water per year.
Many leading restaurants and hotels rely on Ionics solutions, as do dry cleaners, country clubs and other companies. Individuals use the company's systems, providing high quality water throughout their homes, to provide a variety of aesthetic and economic benefits.
Ionics solutions include technologies such as water conditioning, filtering, micro-filtration, ultra filtration, carbon filtration, reverse osmosis and ultra violet disinfection. Companies use Ionics Fidelity solutions for pre-treatment of boilers, hot water heaters, dishwashers, steam-hand ling equipment as well as other water using appliances.
Ionics has Certified Water Specialists on staff to help in designing a solution for your particular water problem.