We give the close personal touch every doctor deserves!!!
General Info
Medical billing has been our specialty for over 25 years. Our goal is to provide excellent service based on your specialty. We continue to stay updated on current codes and ongoing changes; while focusing on obtaining the maximum reimbursement for each claim. Every claim is a priority, as well as you, your staff and patients.
We offer the expertise you need without the extra load on your staff. We can help your staff become more productive and increase income at the same time. We will work as an extended part of your office; we will provide friendly service to you, your staff, and your patients. Our services can be a very valuable tool in keeping your practice strong, healthy and wealthy.
We focus on providing services that will increase your income and reduce the time it will take to have the checks arrive in your office. We assist in enforcing the turnaround time on HMO, POS, PPO and many other contracts. Of all claims, 99 percent are sent electronically based on each individual insurance company’s policy; even surgery claims can be sent electronically. This includes Medicare, Medi-cal, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Aetna and many, many others.Payment turnaround time is anywhere from 7-14 days on clean claims.
Paper claims have a turnaround time of 30-45 days depending on contract and insurance company. Paper claims can be very costly and are avoided when possible. We only send claims on paper when absolutely necessary. Many claims are faxed as well; we use this method for those problem insurance companies on long overdue claims.