Richard David Heekin, MD
Richard David Heekin, MD has not yet specified accepted insurance plans.
Primary: Psychiatrist
Sub-Specialty: General
Additional Specialties: Psychiatry
Fax: (845) 876-5641
Heekin, Richard D, MD
This doctor is treating a family Member over 2 years without a visual appointment !! No in person patient assessment or at the very least a video call
He prescribed a rx of Ritalin to the patient who was 65 yrs old at the time complaining about fatigue REALLY
Well the patient is also prescribed Klonopin 1 mg 5-6 x a day and other medications with sedation effects prescribed by Dr R Heekin
Not to mention the pt is smoking marijuana all day for anxiety
I am surprised the insurance companies will pay for the patients phone calls without a physical in person visit or minimally a video call where the doctor would see that this patient is unable to manage with daily living including MULTIPLE FALLS!!
Horrific care by a psychiatrist
No mini mental preformed on this pt?
Would NEVER recommend this doctor ever!!
Phone: (845) 486-2703
Address: 91 Montgomery St # 93, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
6339 Mill St, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
8 Garden St, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
18 E Market St, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
8 Garden St, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
30 E Market St Ste 1, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
8 Garden St, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
58 E Market St, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
1111 Flatbush Rd, Kingston, NY 12401
300 Aaron Ct, Kingston, NY 12401
90 W Market St, Red Hook, NY 12571