About CDS provides organizational and developmental guidance to communities seeking to start new co-ops in all sectors of the economy and planning assistance to existing co-ops seeking to expand. The first cooperative development organization of its kind, CDS delivers business services to cooperatives and producer-owned businesses. We specialize in applying the cooperative business model and are innovative in applying this model to new sectors and emerging business ventures. CDS serves clients within any co-op sector, though we have particular skill and experience in those sectors related to agriculture, environmental stewardship, and community development. LLCs or group-owned businesses that operate under cooperative principles or that leverage cooperation as a business advantage "CDS is the go-to trusted organization in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest for business planning, feasibility studies, marketing plans and other services needed for the long-term success of our rural cooperatives. We consistently refer clients to CDS for business development assistance with full confidence that they will receive personalized and objective support." CDS is a nonprofit organization created and governed by the cooperative community of the Upper Midwest.