Meg's closet started with a vision: to fill your closet with the latest and greatest of affordable fashion. I. MEG. Creator and VISIONARE. Always enjoyed shopping and stocking MY closet with gorgeous fashion and accessories. And what woman Doesn't enjoy shopping? SO ONE DAY. With the help of MY husband. I decided to launch MY OWN business, a business where I still could DO what I love. . . . Shop. AS well AS bringing smiles to those WHO enjoy looking good and NOT breaking the bank to DO SO. I have an EYE for fashion and always look OUT for the latest in trends. While still keeping to MY OWN style. Each item is hand selected by ME with the hope that YOU will enjoy each piece AS much AS I DO. Thank YOU for checking OUT the WEBSITE. I look forward to your business. And please feel free to leave ME ANY comments or suggestions. Happy shopping!.
We are a web based business, and we also do various market nights during the spring and summer months