Create a credit conscious lifestyle. It's time to shift HOW YOU think about and understand credit! the credit journey was created with the sole intention of helping individuals fulfill their ultimate financial potential using credit repair classes. WEBINARS. Video emails and social media to produce NOT only a credit conversation but an Absolute credit consciousness. Millions of items have been removed from consumers' credit reports legally and permanently since the 'fair credit reporting ACT' was passed. Join them and start saving money NOW! AT the time we are only serving cities in the state of Georgia. These financially life changing classes are 90 minutes in length. Twice a month for SIX MONTHS
"THE credit journey" credit repair class will BE starting in February AT the Riverdale center in Riverdale Georgia. It's a 90 minute class. Twice a month for SIX months. The class will BE lead by ART gulle author of "ACT like a homeowner. Think like an investor" and "5 ways to BUY the right foreclosure with the wrong credit".