We pride ourselves on being able to provide homeowners with peace of mind during the stressful time of potentially losing their home to AUCTION. WITH GET liquid funding. Working with distressed homeowners is what we DO. . Either through helping customers collect their surplus after auction from the county. Or purchasing the home directly from YOU. We CAN help YOU start over. And GET back to a healthy living situation.
We are a full service real estate firm providing homeowners with assistance that are facing foreclosure of a Family home. We BUY distressed homes. Facing foreclosure on the county auction calendar. We specialize in helping homeowners that are facing foreclosure of their home for unpaid property taxes. HOA dues. And past DUE mortgages. We help families recover surplus funds from the county after the home has been auctioned OFF by the county.
We are located in West Palm Beach, Florida, but we are committed to helping homeowners facing foreclosure throughout the state of Florida.